Friday, October 30, 2015

Backstage News On WWE's Main Roster Talent Reportedly Dealing With A Big Divide, Some Talent ​Complaining About Having A Hard Time

The WWE NXT roster morale is said to be through the roof right now but The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that the main roster has a big divide between the "have's and have not's."

The lowest level WWE main roster talents had their $100,000 downsides raised to $125,000, and othertalents likely got raises as well to offset the lack of pay-per-view bonus money due to the WWE Network.

Also read: Backstage News - Kurt Angle & TNA Reportedly Agree To A New Deal

There are reportedly talents at the bottom of the card complaining about having a hard time getting by, especially with road expenses. At the same time, top talents are said to be well taken care of.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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