Friday, October 30, 2015

WWE SmackDown Official Results 29/10/2015

Wyatt said that spirit fuel’s the soul of the Brothers of Destruction. Wyatt said that he owns the soul of Kane & The Undertaker. Wyatt issues a open challenge to any three souls brave enough to go face to face against Wyatt’s three monsters. Rowan said that he was never allowed to dress up for Halloween. Harper said that these are not costumes and evil is very real. Wyatt sends his colodences to three men who which to set up to his monsters. Wyatt said that for the rest he gives Braun Strowman Kane’s mask. Strowman says that your annihilation awaits and tells them to run.

Roman Reigns & Kevin Owens Promo

Reigns says that since day one his goal was to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Reigns said that alot of people told him that he couldn’t do it. Reigns says that alot of people have gotten in his way of reaching that goal from Seth Rollins at WrestleMania to Bray Wyatt at Money in the Bank. Reigns says that it’s been struggle for him and he’s been knocked down alot, but you got to do what you go to do. Reigns says that he picked himself up and he got back into the fight. Reigns says that he’s back on track after defeating Bray Wyatt at Hell in a Cell and is now the number one contender to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Reigns says that there’s only one man in his way and that name is Seth Rollins. Reigns said that he went to war with Seth Rollins and knows that Rollins wants him to fail.

Kevin Owens interrupts. Owens says that we got it and Reigns stole Owens opportunity at the World Championship. Owens says that Reigns victory was a fluke. Owens says that he was a split second away from hitting Reigns with a Pop-Up Powerbomb and he would be the number one contender and Reigns can believe that. Reigns says that he’s hearing a bunch of excuses from Owens. Reigns said that there was no luck, but pure skill. Reigns tells Owens that he can sit out there and Talk Owens Talk, or he can come into this ring man up and Fight Owens Fight. Reigns says that he’s not going anywhere until he gets a big fight and you can believe that.

First Match - Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens

Reigns and Owens lock up. Owens with a side headlock. Owens tries to knock Reigns down with a shoulder tackle. Reigns with a side headlock to Owens. Owens tries to overpower Reigns. Reigns with a shoulder tackle to Owens that sends him to the outside. Reigns with kicks to the midsection of Owens. Reigns with a neckbreaker to Owens. Reigns with a boot to Owens face. Reigns with a suplex to Owens. Owens with a jawbreaker to Reigns. Owens sends Reigns to the outside. Owens sends Reigns rib first to the barricade and rolls Reigns back into the ring for a two count. Owens goes for another pin attempt and gets a two count. Owens with a headlock. Owens with right hands to Reigns.

Reigns with ten forearms to Owens in the corner. Reigns with a big boot to Owens for a two count. Owens with a back bodydrop to Reigns. Owens with a boot to Reigns for a two count. Owens with a running clothesline to Reigns. Reigns with a flying clothesline to Owens for a two count as Owens was going for the running cannonball. Reigns sets up for the SuperMan Punch and Owens ducks to the outside. Owens with a suplex to Reigns for a two count. Reigns with a uppercut to Owens. Reigns with a SuperMan Punch to Owens who was on the top turnbuckle. Owens grabs his belt and walks away and gets intentionally counted out.

Winner: Roman Reigns by Countout

Dean Ambrose Backstage Promo

Renee Young ask Ambrose if he’s going to accept Bray Wyatt’s challenge. Ambrose says that he fears nothing and he slays all the monsters. Young mentions that number haven’t been on his side is Ambrose going into this fight alone? Ambrose said that he may go into this fight alone and he may go down, but the important question here is how many of The Wyatt’s Ambrose is taking with him. Ambrose wishes Young a Happy Halloween. Bo Dallas pop’s up out of no where and Young is not scared. Dallas tells Young that Halloween is no fun when your not scared. Bo Dallas calls himself Boo Dallas and tonight someone will be scared because all you have to do is Boolieve.

Second Match - The Dudley Boyz vs. King Barrett & Sheamus vs. The Ascension vs. The Lucha Dragons

New Day show up with horns on their head. Kofi says that this is serious. Kofi and Big E said that no horns, no costumes, no candy. Kofi said that Phoenix doesn’t believe in Halloween and that means that they don’t believe in magic and proceed to troll all four teams. Kalisto and Sheamus start off the match. Sheamus knocks Kalisto down. Kalisto with side kicks to Sheamus. Kalisto with a hurricanrana and springboard kick to Sheamus. Sheamus tags in Barrett. Bubba tells Kalisto to tag him. Bubba with right hands to Barrett. Bubba with a elbow to Barrett and knocks Sheamus off the ring apron. Dudley’s brawl with The Ascension. Lucha Dragons with double dropkicks to The Ascension that send them to the outside. D-Von with right hands to Barrett. D-Von with a suplex to Barrett for a one count.

D-Von with a spinning elbow to Barrett. Kalisto is tagged in and Ascension knock Sin Cara off the ring apron. Barrett tags in Sheamus. Sheamus stomps on Kalisto chest in the corner. Sheamus with clubbing blows to Kalisto chest. Kalisto with a jawbreaker. Viktor is tagged and peform a double team to Kalisto for a one count. Konnor is tagged in and land right hands to Kalisto. Kalisto with a boot to Konnor. Konnor is sent shoulder first to the ringpost. Sin Cara is tagged in and knocks Sheamus & Barrett off the ring apron. Sin Cara with a springboard crossbody and moonsault to Sheamus. Dudley Boyz with bodyslams to Sheamus and Barrett. Dudley’s & Lucha Dragons with double team What’s Up spot to Sheamus & Barrett. Dudley’s, Sheamus and Barrett brawl up the stage. Kalisto with the Selina Del Sol to Viktor to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Lucha Dragons

Dean Ambrose & Cesaro Backstage Segment

Ambrose ask Cesaro if he’s dressed up as Lex Luther. Cesaro says that he’ll change his costume and be Ambrose tag team partner. Ambrose tells Cesaro that he needs to swing The Wyatt’s so much their beards fly into the cheap seats. Cesaro says anytime he gets in the ring it’s his opponents worst nightmare. Ambrose says that they will beat Team Frankenstein.

Third Match - The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler in a Trick or Treat Street Fight

We have skeletons on the turnbuckles and pumpkins on the ring apron. Ziggler with a headlock to Miz. Ziggler with a shoulder tackle to Miz. Miz sends Ziggler over the top rope, but Ziggler holds on. Miz has a mini lightsaber Ziggler has a kendo stick. Ziggler sends Miz to the outside. Ziggler puts Miz face first in the bucket of apple’s. Ziggler puts a Pumpkin over the head of Miz. Ziggler with a superkick to Miz and the Pumpkin explodes and Miz rolls out of the ring. Miz sends Ziggler ribs first to the steel ring steps. Miz throws Ziggler over the announce table. Miz hit’s Ziggler’s knee with the kendo stick. Miz throws Ziggler’s leg to the ringpost. Miz grabs a chair and whacks Ziggler’s leg with it. Miz goes for the Figure Four Leglock and Ziggler rolls Miz up to pickup the victory. After the match Tyler Breeze shows up. Ziggler goes after Breez with right hands. Breeze hits Ziggler with the kendo stick. Breeze with right hands to Ziggler. The referee’s come out and hold Breeze back. Breeze gets out and continues to stomp Ziggler’s leg.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Fourth Match - Paige vs. Natalya

Paige with a superkick to Natalya. Paige with a headbutt to Natalya for a one count. Paige kicks Natalya back. Paige with right hands to Natalya in the corner. Paige stomps on Natalya chest. Natalya with a clothesline to Paige. Natalya with a german suplex to Paige and Paige rolls to the outside. Team Bad comes out. Team Bad mock Natalya. Sasha Banks says that Natalya has our attention now. Paige with the RamPaige to Natalya to pickup the victory. After the match Team Bad come into the ring and trap Natalya. Tamina with a superkick to Natalya. Banks throws Natalya face first to the mat. Naomi kicks Natalya in the ribs. Naomi with a codebreaker to Natalya. Sasha Banks with the Bank Statement to Natalya.

Winner: Paige

Fifth Match - Alberto Del Rio w/Zeb Colter vs. R-Truth

Del Rio attacks Truth from behind. Del Rio stomps on Truth chest in the corner. Truth with two clothesline to Del Rio. Truth with a suplex to Del Rio for a one count. Del Rio with a clothesline to Truth. Truth with a right hand to Del Rio who’s on the top turnbuckle. Truth get’s trapped under the second rope and Del Rio capitalize with the Double Foot Stomp to Truth to pickup the victory.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Sixth Match - Dean Ambrose, Cesaro and Ryback vs. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper, Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan)

Ryback and Harper lock up. Ryback with a shoulder tackle to Harper. Harper tags in Strowman. Ryback and Strowman have a big stare off. Ryback goes for a suplex and Strowman powers out. Strowman with a delayed vertical suplex. Rowan with a big boot to Ryback. Rowan tags in Harper. Harper with a senton to Ryback for a one count. Harper with shoulders to the ribs of Ryback. Harper tags in Rowan. Rowan with a headlock to Ryback. Ryback with right hands to Rowan. Rowan with a back elbow to Ryback for a two count. Rowan with a vice hold to Ryback. Ryback with a spinebuster to Rowan after Rowan knocks Cesaro off the ring apron. Ryback tags in Ambrose. Ambrose with a clothesline and right hands to Rowan. Ambrose with a running bulldog to Rowan. Ambrose with a running dropkick to Harper that sends him to the outside and Rowan follows.

Ambrose dives onto Rowan & Harper on the outside. Rowan a kick to Ambrose for a two count. Rowan tags in Strowman. Strowman charges towards Ambrose, but gets sent shoulder first to the ring post. Strowman tags in Harper. Ambrose tags in Cesaro. Cesaro with a uppercut express to Harper. Cesaro with a running dropkick to Harper that sends him to the outside. Cesaro with a running uppercut to Rowan on the outside. Cesaro with a crossface to Harper. Strowman drags Cesaro out of the ring. Ambrose with a suicide dive to Strowman. Ryback spears Strowman over the announce table. Cesaro with a uppercut to Harper and gets Harper in another crossface. Rowan breaks the submission hold. Ambrose comes into the ring and sends to Rowan to the outside. Harper with a superkick to Ambrose. Cesaro with a corkscrew uppercut to Harper. Strowman gets back up and tosses the announce table away and gets on the ring apron the referee tries to hold him back. Bray Wyatt uppercuts Cesaro who’s on the second rope. Harper connects with the Clothesline to Cesaro to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Wyatt Family

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