Saturday, October 31, 2015

WWE Giving Up On Top Superstar?

It seems like WWE has grown weary of one of their top stars on the main roster. Not that fans can really blame WWE for this, especially since the push was horribly doomed from the word go. With that being said, what will the future now hold for former Shield member, Seth Rollins?

While some fans may believe his is well on his way to defeating John Cena at Summerslam later this month, it seems WWE has other plans for the former architect of The Shield. This may be due to him accidently injuring Cena during their match two weeks ago on Raw, but a more likely option seems to be that WWE is starting to realize that Seth Rollins isn’t really best for business.

That’s not to say he didn’t have a few memorable moments during his nearly four month reign as champion, but those moments were heavily outweighed by instances of inconsistent match finishes and cheap heel tactics. The worst of these instances came when he lost to Ambrose, but was rewarded the win after Ambrose was disqualified.

Looking at Rollins most recent matches, he was forced to submit in his match with John, barely defeated Neville during their opening match on Raw a week ago and finally got disqualified after Sheamus attacked Randy Orton during their main event match on Raw. This isn’t how you book a champion, this is how you book someone that you don’t have very much faith in.

It should be noted that WWE could have been just trying to strengthen the prestige of The United States Championship by giving Cena the win over Rollins, but I believe that the nose injury and time on shelf for Cena has really given Rollins a lot of backstage heat with WWE officials. Whether that heat culminates with Rollins losing at Summerslam remains to seen.

If WWE was angry at Rollins, which I fully believe they are for putting their top star on the shelf for a few weeks, there is no better time to ruin Rollin’s career then at Summerslam in his match against John Cena. Countless superstars have been virtually buried by Super Cena before and it looks like WWE might make Rollins his next victim.

Even if WWE isn’t angry with Rollins over the Cena injury, WWE still knows that the cocky heel angle can’t work much longer and that they need change tracks before the fans start to severly sour on Seth Rollins as well. Another option to do that is by allowing Sheamus to cash in his contract on Rollins at Summerslam.

To be fair, the option was teased last week on Raw when Sheamus attacked Orton and tried to cash in on a vulnerable Seth Rollins, but it also really seems unlikely that The WWE thinks that Sheamus is a title contender right now. Not that he won’t be in the future, but right now, his fan reaction has been pretty timid both ways.

Only time will tell what WWE’s true plan is for the future of Seth Rollins. With that being, his bad booking and tiring antics are definitely strikes against him when considering if he should continue to be The Authorities champion.

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