Friday, October 30, 2015

WWE Locker Room is Currently Extremely Divided

According to Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE’s main roster locker room is said to be divided right not, and morale isn’t high. There are lower level talents with $100,000 contracts that were recently given an increase in pay to $125,000. The reason WWE distributed raises were to compensate for the WWE Network taking away potential PPV bonuses.

However, this increase in pay hasn’t had the desired effect for WWE officials because there are more than enough lower card talents still complaining that it’s difficult to build a profit given how much WWE talents are required to pay for travel expenses on the road.

However, WWE developmental’s morale is said to be the exact opposite. Morale in NXT is said to be extremely high in the locker room right now. NXT is still fresh off NXT Takeover: Respect that was a game changer for a lot of people. NXT Takeover: London is coming up in a few months, and there are rumors of another Takeover special the night before the Royal Rumble.

NXT is free of house shows this week because NXT was active last week running four shows at the NXT: Aftershock Festival. Although, there were 700 seats in the venue. The NXT fans filled in those seats, and there was plenty of standing room. There were possibly as many as 1,200 people watching those NXT shows.

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