Thursday, October 29, 2015

​Hulk Hogan Discusses His Racist Rants, Says He Wishes WWE Had Just Suspended Him, More

In an interview with, Hulk Hogan revealed that he was hoping WWE would simply suspend him after his racist rant leaked to the public. Here are highlights:

Also read: ​Chris Jericho Discusses Hulk Hogan's Racist Rants, Says He "Feels Bad For Him", & More

On WWE’s decision to remove all mention of him on their website: ”It was business. I understand they’re a public company – and with a political correctness vibe in the air, I understand why they’ve removed all mentions of me. I don’t think they’re right, the WWE knows me better than anybody and they know I’m not racist. So I wish they had taken a different choice of action, such as suspension.”

On his racist rant: ”This whole racist rant or these comments – not to make light of them – but the people who have been supportive of me look at them more like just a mess-up, or a bad day and they know that’s not me.”

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