Friday, October 30, 2015

Shelton Benjamin Talks WWE Career

Former WWE star and Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin recently appeared on an episode of “Talk is Jericho”. Y2J has apparently been getting numerous requests for Benjamin on the show and he’s been asking for him for awhile. You can listen to the full podcast episode between Benjamin and Jericho right here.

Below is a highlight of Shelton Benjamin’s thoughts on his WWE career and he had the following to say:

“I can’t complain, from a financial standpoint. I wasn’t always in the position that I wanted to be in, but I always had a position. I was there for just shy of 10 years. I can’t be bitter; I had a good career. I won many titles, I had a lot of great matches, made a lot of great friends. Overall I’m very happy with what I accomplished while in the WWE. I think more could have been done, of course, but for the most part I’m pretty [happy].”

Shelton Benjamin is constantly brought up by many wrestling fans as one of the most underrated in recent WWE history. During his career, Benjamin was involved with numerous storylines and Money in the Bank matches but he was also a three-time Intercontinental Champion, a two-time Tag Team Champion with Charlie Haas and a United States Champion. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter voted him the Most Underrate Wrestler from 2005 to 2007.

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