Monday, November 2, 2015

At Survivor Series it could be the the beginning of something new for Bray Wyatt ,,

At Survivor Series it could be the the beginning of something new for Bray Wyatt and his Wyatt Family. Undertaker and Kane are 2 of the biggest legends in wrestling history and Taker is known by everyone at this point, wrestling fan or not. What needs to happen is Team Wyatt sweeps team Undertaker at Survivor Series and that leads to Wyatt going on a run of dominance. Number 30 in the Royal Rumble and then Taker comes out to the Wyatts and a few random superstars in the ring. Taker takes out most of the other Wyatt's until its him vs Taker, Wyatt and Taker fucking KILL each other and then it ends with Wyatt tossing Taker over. Wyatt's going to Mania. But here's the thing. Taker takes the world title at Fast Lane from Rollins who is so devastated by the loss he leaves till Extreme Rules. At Mania we get a WM 31 rematch where Wyatt and Taker face for the title. Wyatt wins after a back and forth match. One thing that I think is important is Bray wins with the Tombstone. Wyatt then starts his own streak from after this loss, later retiring Cena at a Mania in the near future, that means he's avenged both losses he had at Wrestlemania and is shown as a clear dominant competitor.

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