Monday, November 16, 2015

Who's retirement made you most sad?

Who's retirement made you most sad?
For me, it's gotta be Edge. Don't get me wrong, I nearly cried when "The Heartbreak Kid left the building," but Edge got me into wrestling. No exaggeration, he was actually the only real interesting thing to me at the time when I started watching, and he's from my hometown.
Anyway, I want to leave off on this note. You guys are awesome. You make wrestlers what they are, no matter the pain they go through, the surgeries, the absences, and the returns. Without you guys, there wouldn't be these incredible wrestlers like Edge, or HBK, or Daniel Bryan or Seth Rollins. And without you guys, pages on facebook wouldn't really be a thing either. I make a lot of jokes about the IWC, but we're all actually a part of it. Thanks you guys. You're awesome.

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