Saturday, November 14, 2015

New Stars Will Be Made In The WWE Next Year

Hi everyone. I'm in a happy and optimistic mood, so I'm going to take this time to discuss the current situation with the WWE roster. We're all aware of Seth Rollins being sidelined, and ironically enough, John Cena and Randy Orton as well. You know what means? There's barely any former WWE Champions on the roster, we're (almost) guaranteed to see new champions in the following year.

At the moment the mid-card is seriously competitive. Just think of all the new additions to the mid-card, and how WWE continues to use the IC and US Championships. There's so many guys who have flirted with the main event, but inevitably lost out to Seth Rollins, John Cena, Randy Orton, The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar at PPVs. Now's the time for the wrestlers to step up and do something different. Look at the New Day, they have transformed in to something I never thought possible; an entertaining heel stable with great fan reaction.

There's so much potential from long serving names like Ziggler, and Cesaro, but will they continue to live in mediocrity? It's a tough time for these guys especially, they know what the game is, and they know this is the time to step up and make a name for themselves. And there's so many others,Sheamus, Rusev, Ryback, all could be pushed to the main event scene in a moment's notice. It's time for the fans to decide who should reach the top of the mountain.

Also read: Why Seth Rollins Must Retain The WWE World Heavyweight Championship At Survivor Series

While Reigns is being groomed for success, I imagine some fans would feel disgruntled by him winning while Rollins is sidelined with an injury. I've said this before, but I think Reigns would benefit with more obstacles to overcome, let his first WWE title win happen further down the line, because Reigns is young, he's got plenty of time; and if he's pushed too soon, some fans will grow to hate him, like they do John Cena. His push needs to be organic, the majority of fans should be hoping to see it happen, not expect it as an inevitability.

And this is why I'm loving the show at the moment. You can see a revolution brewing, you can feel the power, you know that someone has to break through and do something memorable. So what about Ambrose? Is he ready? Some say he is, some say he isn't. I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure,.I would have preferred to see Ambrose beat his rival Seth Rollins for the title, that would have gone down like a nice cool beer after a hard days work. It's tough because with Seth Rollins out of the picture, finding an interesting rivalry for the title is difficult, because WWE has not built any other feuds outside the main event scene; the mid-card feuds tend to die out too quickly.

When you look at the roster, Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio are former WWE Champions. You have Big Show, who I feel has gone back to mid-card limbo once again. So who's left? Bring Sting back? At least if you brought Sting back and put the belt on him for a month, he could drop it to someone else and put them over. There's so many ways it could be done, but at the end of the day, it's a Vince McMahon decision, and we all know he doesn't always choose guys we want.

He's always going to back the cash cow. So while Reigns is likely to be the "The Man", I'm hoping for the sake of the wrestlers in mid-card limbo that one of them gets a chance to become main eventmaterial for the years ahead; Reigns has all the time in the world to be a star, and I'm sure he would benefit from a greal heel champion when his time arrives.

Who would I like to see in the main event? I'm just asking that question so I can answer it for you.Kevin Owens would be an excellent heel champion, he's easily as good, if not better than Seth at drawing heat, he can use a mic, he can work a match with anyone, he's got everything you need to hate him. On the other side of the coin, if Sheamus is ever going to be the top heel WWE thinks he can be, it has to be done sooner than later. Having Sheamus hold the briefcase for months will not help his character; since when did tough Irishmen have patience?

As far as babyfaces go, Ambrose was one of the most popular guys (loudest pops) when Daniel Bryanwas injured (and a few others), and he had so much momentum on his side, but it was cut short by the returns of guys like The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Daniel Bryan and others, so I feel like he needs to recapture the magic if the higher-ups gets behind him. Aside from that, I'm not seeing many exciting babyfaces, I only see the exciting talent on NXT with Finn Balor andApollo Crews. Perhaps we'll see both of them on the main roster in 2016? That would be fun to see. However, NXT is a different topic, and I've rambled on long enough, I've wasted enough of your time, so I'm going to wrap this up by saying the WWE is being forced to create new stars, and that's not a bad thing .. it's a good thing!

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