Friday, November 6, 2015

Smackdown Results – November 5, 2015

Date: November 5, 2015
Location: World Arena, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Rich Brennan, Booker T.

As inconsequential as Smackdown is most of the time, this show is even moreso than usual. Last night at a house show in Ireland, Seth Rollins ripped his knee to shreds and is out until next summer. The title has been vacated for a tournament at Survivor Series but this show was already taped in advance so most of this isn’t going to matter. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

There’s another Survivor Series match tonight with the Prime Time Players and Lucha Dragons vs. the Wyatt Family.

Here’s MexAmerica to open things up. Colter talks about how there will be no hatred in MexAmerica. We don’t need borders in our lives because we will all be one great nation. There are black hearts out there who lie about hating at least one person in the world and they don’t belong. Viva MexAmerica.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Neville

Non-title. Del Rio starts with the kicks in the corner and another to the back for an early two. A quick headscissors takes Alberto down and Neville gets two of his own off a standing shooting star, only to have a Backstabber send him to the floor. Back from a break with Del Rio in control until Neville sends him outside for a moonsault to the floor. Neville slams him on the top of his head with a hurricanrana (intentionally, called a spike rana by Brennan). He tries a few too many flips though, allowing Del Rio to kick him off the top and into the Tree of Woe, setting up the double stomp for the pin at 9:46.

Result: Alberto Del Rio b. Neville – Top rope double stomp (9:46)
Post match Del Rio hits the low superkick and puts him in the cross armbreaker until Jack Swagger comes in for the save.

Usos vs. Ascension

Jimmy and Viktor start and after ducking Viktor’s leapfrog, it’s time to dance. Viktor doesn’t like dancing and sends Jimmy to the floor, followed by a catapult into Konnor’s spinebuster. Booker talks about training the Usos as we hit the chinlock. An enziguri gets Jimmy out of trouble and it’s the double tag as everything breaks down. A bunch of superkicks set up the Superfly Splash to Viktor for the pin at 4:14.

Result: Usos b. Ascension – Superfly Splash to Viktor (4:14)
We recap Bray Wyatt’s recent actions and speech from Monday.

Wyatt Family vs. Prime Time Players/Lucha Dragons

Survivor Series rules. Rowan throws Young around to start and it’s off to Harper vs. Titus. We get the traditional reference to Lawler’s mini Kings as Bray comes in to destroy Young. With the situation well in hand, it’s back to Harper for a catapult into the bottom rope. The announcers bring up the idea that the Wyatts injured Orton’s shoulder and put him out of action.

Bray hits Darren in the face to stop a comeback and it’s off to Strowman. Braun chokes Young off on the apron but drops him at five, giving us a countout elimination at 5:13. Back from a break with Titus as the next designated victim. Harper takes him into the corner where Titus tries a comeback, only to get dragged to the bad corner again.

O’Neil finally escapes and makes the tag off to Cara as things speed way up. A suicide dive takes out Rowan and a hurricanrana gets two on Harper. Rowan breaks up another cover but Kalisto knocks him to the floor. The discus lariat knocks Cara out cold for the elimination at 12:54. Kalisto comes in for his kicks but walks into a half nelson suplex. It’s back to Rowan for his fist head vice for a bit before Kalisto manages to low bridge him to the floor.

Strowman pulls Titus off the apron, leaving Kalisto to kick Harper down. A handspring into an enziguri staggers Bray but Rowan gets in a full nelson slam to put Kalisto out at 16:01, leaving Titus alone 4-1. Rowan starts so Titus fires off right hands and a clothesline. The Clash of the Titus puts Harper down but Bray and Erick make the save. Strowman chokes him out and Sister Abigail ends this at 19:59.

Result: Wyatt Family b. Prime Time Players/Lucha Dragons last eliminating Titus O’Neil (19:59)

Ambrose talks about waking up this morning at 11am for a chat with the spirit of John Denver, who gave him a new song and told him that he would have a match tonight. Owens comes in to say Dean is annoying Renee and remind him of what he has to do tonight to be a champion. Tonight won’t be like the ten man circus on Monday. Dean: “John Denver warned me about that guy.”

King Barrett vs. Ryback

They’re on the floor in a hurry with Barrett posting him a few times in a row. A big boot gets two for the King and a Boss Man Slam gets the same. We hit the chinlock for a bit and Barrett even jumps onto his back, only to be moved over into the Shell Shock for the pin at 2:20.

Result: Ryback b. King Barrett – Shell Shock (2:20)

Recap of Team Bad beating Natalya down last week.
Team Bad laughs at Natalya for getting annoyed at the attack last week. Natalya has challenged Team Bad’s leader for tonight but it’s not clear who that is.

Natalya vs. Tamina

This is decided after a brief argument between the other two. Tamina runs Natalya over to start and drops a knee. Booker: “When you need a job done, you call Tamina.” Fans: “WE WANT SASHA!” Tamina: “YOU CAN’T HAVE HER!” A superkick puts Natalya down and Booker is very impressed. Off to a chinlock for a bit before Natalya hits a quick discus lariat. Sasha’s distraction breaks up the Sharpshooter though and it’s a Samoan drop to put Natalya down again. The Superfly Splash hits knees though and Natalya grabs a rollup for the pin at 3:49.

Result: Natalya b. Tamina – Rollup (3:49)

Recap of the Survivor Series match from Monday.
We get an inserted announcement of Rollins’ injury and the tournament.

Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens
Non-title. Lawler: “Owens has been in the hospital several time for narcissism treatment. He keeps checking himself out.” They trade headlocks to start (Kevin: “My headlock is better than yours!”) and Dean armdrags him to the floor. Back from a break with Dean cranking on an armbar before clotheslining Owens over the top. Kevin sends him hard into the barricade to take over though, followed by the backsplash inside.

Owens takes too much time yelling at Lawler though, allowing Dean to get in a superplex. The standing elbow drop gets two and a missile dropkick puts Kevin down again. Owens superkicks him into the ropes for the rebound lariat but Owens claims a low blow off a kick and that’s a DQ at 13:47.

Result: Kevin Owens b. Dean Ambrose via DQ when Ambrose kicked him low (13:47)

The replay shows that the kick was way above the waist. Dean goes after him but Owens bails into the crowd to end the show.


  • Alberto Del Rio b. Neville – Top rope double stomp
  • Usos b. Ascension – Superfly Splash to Viktor
  • Wyatt Family b. Prime Time Players/Lucha Dragons last eliminating Titus O’Neil
  • Ryback b. King Barrett – Shell Shock
  • Natalya b. Tamina – Rollup
  • Kevin Owens b. Dean Ambrose via DQ when Ambrose kicked him low

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