Monday, November 2, 2015

Shane McMahon Returning To WWE In 2016? Will Vince Be Standing Down Next Year?

Shane McMahon the son of "WWE chairman and CEO Vince McMahon" sold all of his WWE stock a few years back. Shane invested all of that money into a PPV company called "YOU On Demand" which was a huge success in China and around the globe. It was the first ever PPV and Video On Demand service in China. A remarkable achievement. He garnered his money back pretty quickly. You have to commend him for what he has done outside as well as inside the wrestling world.

Now if you've been reading reports the last few year, you'd have read that Stephanie McMahon was selling huge percentages of her stock, which was all very odd.

After doing some intensive research i found out who bought huge % of that stock! Could you have a guess who bought that stock from Steph?

No? Well it was none other than Shane McMahon himself! Interesting to say the least. Then again, i should have known the McMahon's would not have sold so much stock to someone outside of the McMahon family, so it makes sense. It also came to my understanding that Shane has shares within Dana Whites partly owned company the "UFC brand". Shane has his fingers in all the pies, very business savvy. This has definitely impressed his father Vince McMahon.

Also read: Who Could Replace Vince Mcmahon As Head Of WWE?

Now if you guys remember who Shane McMahon was like i did. Shane gained his own fan-base when he wrestled during the Attitude Era, he was easily as good as many on the roster of that Attitude Era and left us with some truly great moments to remember.

As most of you know, WWE is soon releasing a Shane McMahon DVD. Which in my view is probably to show the new generation of fans just who in the hell he was.

Apparently, the DVD, which is interesting, has some classic moments but very few are PG. He is a one-time European Champion and a one-time Hardcore Champion. He headlined his first pay-per-view event at the 1999 King of the Ring, and went on to become a world championship contender in the early 2000s, closing the 2000 Insurrextion and King of the Ring events in contention for the WWF Championship, and challenging for the WCW Championship at 2001's Unforgiven.

When all was said and done, Shane O Mac had a decent career.

All signs are now pointing that Shane will be returning to the WWE board in the not too distant future (most likely around May 2016) and Vince McMahon is possibly preparing to hand it over now Shane is willing and ready to have the business side of things covered, and HHH and Steph and hopefully Paul E Heyman will handle the creative side of things.

I can almost certainly guarantee you the future of WWE will be changing in 2016, and i for one can't wait.

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