Monday, November 2, 2015

face of the WWE. ????

Everyone has argued about who is the face of the WWE. Countless superstars have claimed that they were the face of the WWE. Stone Cold....The Rock...John Cena..... Randy Orton. But who's the face of Raw? Who's the face of Smackdown? Who's the face of NXT? I have chosen 3 superstars that I think are the face of each brand.

Face of Raw: Seth Rollins. He has been a champion for over 200+ days. he has gone through everyone that has been tossed his way. He has defeated Sting and Kane recently.

Face Of Smackdown: Dolph Ziggler. I understand that there is no brand split. But if any of you that has watched Smackdown can tell that Dolph Ziggler is heavily used on that show.

Face of NXT: Finn Balor. The Demon is the obvious choice in my eyes. He has owned the brand, and he just keeps impressing me and he keeps impressing the WWE Universe. I can't wait till he gets called up so that he can own Raw.

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