Sunday, November 1, 2015

Bobby Lashley reveals wrestling & MMA future

Bobby Lashley says he will continue balancing pro wrestling and MMA as long his body holds up. Right now, he feels pretty good about being able to continue on his current pace.

Of course, TNA has few dates on the schedule, allowing Lashley to completely focus on MMA training while picking up a few TV tapings.

“For me right now, I feel like I’m in great shape,” Lashley said onAXS TV’s “Inside MMA” show. “I’m not slowing down a bit – I’m kind of scared to stop because I think when I stop, everything is going to set in and my body is going to crash.

“The pro wrestling schedule is not as busy as it was before. They’re actually working together a little better. They (TNA) give me time off to train.

“With the fighting, I live being in the gym. Right now, I’m able to do everything, and if there’s a time where I feel like I need to pull back, then I’ll sit down and think about it. But, right now I feel like I have a few more years in me to go hard.”

Lashley, 39, is preparing to fight James Thompson at the next Bellator MMA card on November 6 in St. Louis. Lashley says he has something to prove since Thompson handed him his last MMA defeat in 2012.

Lashley also discussed a potential fight against Kimbo Slice. Lashley joked about that question being fed to the media because he keeps being asked about it when he’s heard nothing about a potential fight. But, he said he would be open to the fight.

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