Monday, November 2, 2015

Why Seth Rollins Must Lose The WWE World Heavyweight Championship At Survivor Series

Seth Rollins is an awesome athlete, one of the best wrestlers of this generation. But the fact remains, he is one of, if not the worst drawing champions in WWE history. The numbers speak for themselves.

The ratings are at an all time low. The slump is continuing on a weekly basis. If Seth remains champion after the Survivor Series PPV, the slump will only continue to get worse. Whether the blame lies with Seth for the character he portrays, or the fact WWE creative are using Seth the wrong way, the slimy, arrogant and deluded persona is not paying off. Would it be better if he left The Authority behind and turned baby face? Maybe, but that doesn't seem likely to happen.

Also read: Why Seth Rollins Must Retain The WWE World Heavyweight Championship At Survivor Series

I say give Roman Reigns a chance with the belt, the fact that he's not a better wrestler than Rollins mean nothing. Remember, the biggest drawing champions of all time where not technically gifted, ie,Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Goldberg, The Ultimate Warrior, Stone Cold Steve Austin (pre-injury).

None of those where "great wrestlers". But they had that it factor, that aura. Roman Reigns also has that aura, and it's beginning to shine through. This is why the time is right to put Roman Reigns in the spotlight. He is ready.

As of now, Seth Rollins World Heavyweight Championship run has been a dud. I cant remember the last good match he had and his voice is becoming somewhat annoying. Don't get me wrong here, hisWrestleMania 32 Money In The Bank cash-in moment was truly special. Something i'll remember for along time. It's a pity he's not had many special moments since that time, maybe one or two.. Though, with the ratings in the tank, it's surely not a healthy thing from a WWE perspective. The time has come for Roman Reigns to take the title from Seth and show us he can do it, and he has drawing power needed to regain those viewers we lost this year.

Thanks for reading...

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