Thursday, November 5, 2015

Brock Lesnar Possibly Returning at “Survivor Series”

The breaking news of the day is former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins tearing his ACL, MCL, and meniscus. WWE is having a WWE Championship tournament to determine the next WWE Champion at “Survivor Series”.

Rollins’ injury is horrible timing. John Cena, Daniel Bryan, and Randy Orton are all currently absent from WWE television for one reason or another. WWE needed Rollins’. They’re going to have to figure something out.

As far as filling Rollins’ void on the roster, WWE is reportedly and frantically making phone calls to a number of major talents to return and appear on weekly television. Obviously, Brock Lesnar’s name is at the top of the list.

Lesnar is not scheduled to return to WWE for awhile. The Beast Incarnate is currently on a hunting trip in Alberta, Canada on a big hunting trip. However, WWE is in a predicament where they could be willing to pay more money for more dates on Brock Lesnar’s contract.

There is no guarantee that Brock is coming back to WWE. But, WWE officials are no doubt trying to bring him back to help boost ratings and the roster in the absence of so many bigger names.

There is a lot of speculation that Brock Lesnar will not only appear at “Survivor Series”, but that he’ll become the new WWE Champion.

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